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Trading System

The investment's foundations are:

1) Appraisal of the price of the financial instruments, using financial report analysis, price sensitive news, correlations with the field indices.

2) Elaboration of a strategy of trading, through analytical methods of portfolio management, taking in account the temporal reference.

For companies whose Cores business are not financial investments and still less for the private investors, realizeing in house a professional management of the patrimony, that it demands the job of a team of financial analysts and IT programmers, it is very hard to do.
The TradingSystems.it offers information and charts, that can help investors to be more conscious. We suggest to use an asset allocation software that integrate data of risk/yield with those coming from the markets in real time and to use the technical analysis to optimize the operative timing.

Naturally the results of our personal trading system (verified through simulations applied to the real historical quotes and to the various scenes of future evolution, and through the daily application for the management of our personal patrimony) is only an example of what can be obtained using a scientific method. It is emphasized that in the simulation it's considered the 20 levels books that are really realized and the interference on the final price in the market that the orders put with the respective amounts would have.
Trading system in real estate funds
Quote charts of the trading system
Personal patrimony course (the blue colored line)
The website contains information and charts.

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