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Real Estate Funds

The Real Estate Funds are real estate investment trusts of closed type, that invest capitals of the investors collected during the subscription by the SGR (Society of Management of the Saving) in properties, real estate assets and participation in real estate societies.
The patrimony of every real estate fund is subdivided in quotas and after the quotation in the stock market the investor can negotiate these quotas, like a normal financial instrument, in the Telematic Market of the Investment Vehicles (MIV) of the Italian Stock Exchange.

The funds are classified based on the modalities of constitution in:
  • ordinary funds: in which the property assets is acquired successively to the subscription;
  • contribution funds: in which the pieces of real estate come conferred from a public agencie (funds with public contribution) or from a private society (funds with private contribution);
  • mixed funds: when one part of the assets comes conferred by means of contribution and the other part is acquired successively to the issue of the quotas.
There are funds with distribution of the proceeds and the funds that accumulates the profits, without distribution of the dividends.

The global course of the real estate funds is synthetized by the real estate funds index.

Why to invest in real estate funds?
Thanks to many advantages offered by the indirect investment in pieces of real estate, by using the experience of the professional intermediaries with the opportunity offered from the market to acquire the real estate fund quotas at prices discounted more then 40% regarding the budgetary values of the NAV (Net Asset Value).
From the following directory is possible to accede to the technical report of all the real estate funds, with the daily and weekly graphs, the performances achieved, the values of the market quotations and other information as the capitalization in the exchange market, datesof constitution, quotation and previewed expiration and all the distributed dividends and refunds.

Real estate funds list

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